
NUREG 1934 Appendix B - Switch Gear Room Fire Setup

NUREG 1934 Appendix B#

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to setup a fire model for the setup described in the document NUREG 1934 Appendix B

The scenario described in Appendix B involves the modeling of a cabinet fire in a switch gear room with cables and raceways positioned above the cabinet.

A sample FRANX file which determines the scenario and the components of interest participating in the fire PRA can be used or modeled from scratch.

The prepared fire scenario was then calculated with CFAST, and produced results in good agreement with the original scenario results published in NUREG-1934.

The scenario described in Appendix B involves the modeling of a cabinet fire in a switch gear room with cables and raceways positioned above the cabinet.

A sample FRANX file which determines the scenario and the components of interest participating in the fire PRA can be used or modeled from scratch

This model creation and setup would replicate all the various steps that would typically be performed is this was being modeled in a real-life commercial exercise; therefore, it would serve as a good case for validation, acknowledging the fact it is being performed on a smaller, controlled scale compared to what might be expected in commercial application. The FRANX file is then imported into FRI3D to create the appropriate FRI3D database entries. Subsequently, the 3D spatial entries are created using the 3D modeling tool features of FRI3D. It was found that using an equipment layout floor plan drawing as a basis for creating the 3D geometry is a very efficient approach that can significantly streamline the process.

The prepared fire scenario was then calculated with CFAST, and produced results in good agreement with the original scenario results published in NUREG-1934.


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