
3D コンパートメントー

A fire model can be considered as divided into several zones or compartments. FRI3D makes it easy to model individual compartments. Each compartment is representative of a physical geographical area and several scenarios occuring in the compartment or across compartments of interest can be simulated in FRI3D.

Any analysis is started by either creating a new compartment or loading an existing compartment if a database is already loaded. By default when FRI3D is started an empty database is created with no compartments.

However if an existing database loaded has compartments already they are listed in the combo box as indicated by the following figure. The Compartment/Zone Inspector is detailed in the section !Zone Inspector.

The first step in a fire analysis is to load an existing compartment or create a new compartment.

Create a Compartment/Zone#

To create a new Compartment/Zone hover the mouse in the compartment inspector .


Load Compartments/Zone#

A specific compartment of interest can by using the top level combo menu or the dropdown list. If a new compartment has been created as indicated in the previous step that compartment is automatically loaded.

However if an existing compartment needs to be loaded into the scene, the combo box is used as indicated below

Switch Compartments/Zone#

The compartment of interest can be switched to either a related compartment which participates in the scenario or to a completely different compartment of interest to model.

Load New Compartment#

Load Related Compartment#

3D Compartment Objects#

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